Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Calling all Bridesmaids to Report for Duty

So you have been asked to be a bridesmaid in a wedding – now what? What does that really mean and what did you just sign up for?

photo by Tonya Malay Photography
First, don't panic! Being asked to be in a wedding is truly a sign of respect and love and should be taken as such. Clearly you are considered to be significant to the couple getting married and it is an honor to stand beside them and support them on this special day. However, there are some expectations that come with this position in the wedding. Every bride is different on what they expect from their bridesmaids but here are some of the basics that will get you through with almost any bride:

-Offer to be a part of pre-wedding festivities and tasks such as offering to go with the bride to find her wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses. Perhaps you can pitch in to help stuff the wedding invitations or tie bows on the favors. It may not always be glamorous but your bride will remember you were there for her. She will appreciate the help!
-Be prepared to pay for your dress and accessories to wear on the big day. Don’t expect these expenses to be paid for by anyone else but you. Sometimes this can be the largest expense (depending on your brides taste) for a bridesmaid and often the most taxing part of being a bridesmaid. Many brides understand that and will do what they can to keep costs low. Don't forget to break in those shoes beforehand too, that way, you will be prepared for a night of dancing!
-If the Maid of Honor isn’t already planning the shower and bachelorette, offer to help them plan or host these events with the other bridesmaids. This doesn’t have to be a lavish affair but just enough to make the bride feel special and important.
-Spend the day of the wedding with the bride. Whether it’s a bridesmaid luncheon or sitting around getting hair and makeup done, you are expected to spend this time with the bride. She may be a little nervous or anxious today so do what you can to keep her happy and positive. (Don't forget to make sure she has something to eat and drink before the wedding, she has a long day ahead of her and she needs to be feeling well!)
-Be a support system for the Maid of Honor too. Being the Maid of Honor can be stressful and sometimes they will need some help too. If they need a hand holding up the train of the bride's dress or they need someone else to take a turn holding the bouquet, step in there! She will thank you at the end of the night for being the Maid of Honor to the Maid of Honor!
-Help to get the party started! When the music is going and no one else is dancing, help encourage others around the dance floor to jump up and have a good time! This may mean dancing with the other groomsmen during the formal dances in the beginning of the night. If you are having a good time, others will want to join in too!
-When all is said and done remember this isn’t your wedding. You are there for the bride and it doesn’t matter if you are wearing a horrible color dress or your hair is not done right. This day is about the bride so try to be a trooper through it all. Smile as much as possible!

These are just some general expectations. Every bride is different so make sure you know what she expects of you. The good thing is, you won't have to worry about what to wear to the wedding because that is already decided for you!

photo by Ned Jackson Photography

What is the craziest thing a bride ever asked you to do? Send me pictures of your worst bridesmaid dress! Post your comments below! xox – mrs. p.

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